Section of Annual Accounting |
Annual Accounting - County budget and reapportionment reviews.
- Review and formulation of budget for different departments and special funding.
- Review/ formulation of special budgets.
- Review, formulation, and implementation of budget allocation.
- Review of the use of reserve funds.
- Review of town budgets and the implementations.
- Supervision of the annual accounting in the departments and schools under the jurisdiction of our government.
General Accounting
- Processing of the County’s general accounting affairs and reports.
- Review of the accounting reports from the departments and schools under the jurisdiction of our government, and assistance for accounting tasks.
- Review and formulation of county final accounting.
- Review/ formulation of township final accounting.
- Review of the financial reports, final accounting of affiliated departments and special funding. To formulate statistics charts.
- To review the final accounting reports of affiliated schools and departments.
- Review of special budgets.
- Research and improvement of the accounting system.
- Dedicated investigations and reports.
Section of Accounting |
Accounting - Accounting for the divisions inside the county government, approval of divisions’ expenditures, internal and original certified reviewing, editing of payment receipts, filing of accounting documents, editing/submitting accounting reports, reviewing of accounting documents, organizing accounting files, safekeeping, and other related tasks.
- Review of budgets and final accounting of our divisions.
- Supervising the bidding and quality of our county government’s constructions, properties, and labor affairs.
- Review of documents regarding expenditures and revenue, and further review of previous cases.
- Inventory of cash and assets and random inspection regarding public funding.
- Asset accounting.
Treasury Accounting - Review of different types of treasury.
Accounting regarding Incentives from the Central Government - To review and account processing of the incentives provided by the Council of Agriculture and the Ministry of Education.
Accounting of National Housing Mortgage
- Review of the mortgage of national housing loans, safe keeping and returning of documents regarding ownership, and verification of the collecting and returning of interest.
- To processing and edit of accounting documents.
Supervision of Procurements
- Dispatch of personnel for supervising the bidding of school constructions, assets, and labor affairs under the jurisdiction of our school.
Section of Statistics |
Statistics of Governmental Affairs - Editing/ printing of annual/monthly statistic reports and social index.
- Editing and scheduled inspections of governmental affairs statistics.
- Internal statistics auditing and gather data for officials and divisions.
- Tasks regarding government performance index and applied statistic analysis.
- To supervise the statistics tasks of affiliated agencies and towns/ villages.
Economic Statistics
- Publication of reports regarding townsmen’s income and family budgeting.
- Formulation of statistics projects and tasks regarding the promotion of the system.
- Publication of HR statistics and reports.
- Verification or joint effort regarding statistics tasks ordered by the government.
HR of Comptroller’s Office
- Review and referral regarding the promotion, transfer, reward/punishment, evaluation, and retirement of comptrollers in the county.
- Review and referral regarding the establishment and staffing of comptrollers.
- Projects requested by comptrollers in the schools, agencies, and villages in our county.
General Tasks
- To write the annual reports of projects and tasks.
- To write the task review reports in the mid-term or end of year.
- To write the report of our department’s tasks for scheduled meetings.
- Formulation and management of document preparations.